Sunroom Vignettes

While deciding what to post I came to realize that really at this stage NONE of my rooms are complete. Then again, that seems to be the nature of this beast called decorating. I head off  with an idea which seems to change as often as there are hours in a day….aaack! Hence the reason for vignettes until I feel “complete” with the room.

This is a picture of the back of the house taken in winter. Dug through a plethora of images thinking I could come up with a current image. No such luck, and as luck would have it, it’s raining today, so no new picture. The sunroom is located inside the bank of windows to the far right. It can be accessed through the red door. I failed to capture the last bank of windows to the far right.

Spring really is the best time for a showing of color in the backyard.

Back  to the sunroom. The place I start each day with a good old cup of decaf. There’s a magical/mystical feel looking outside as the light of day comes up. A mini forest of sorts with an assortment of birds chirping, bunnies darting and geese honking. (And now I know, snakes slithering…eeekkk) The sunroom is also my lazy spot, the place I love to cozy up on the chaise and absorb myself into a good book.

The chaise I found on Craigslist. Fell in love with the character of the piece. It was in dire need of reupholstering! Here is the chaise stripped down, followed by the finished reupholstering. (Still debating to tuft or not) A creative mind is a messy mind, eh?

Today this is where I’m at with the sunroom. Down the road I’m sure I’ll have an update as I already want to change a few thing.:O)

One last capture.

Thanks for taking a gander! Have a lovely day!

About willoughbywhimsy

Just the two of us. Well, us and the dust bunnies.:) I bounce between working in the medical arena and working as a professional photographe
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8 Responses to Sunroom Vignettes

  1. Decorchick! says:

    You’re home and sunroom look beautiful! Love those windows and the chaise! Thanks for stopping by my site, I really appreciate it. 🙂

  2. You yard is gorgeous!! I love with you did with your *new* chaise. 🙂 Thanks for the visit today!

  3. pretty pretty….oh so very pretty, and your house in the snow, to die for! I’ll be watching to see all you do, lots of pretty for sure!

    Thanks for stopping by, and leaving a comment!

  4. Shannon says:

    Craigslist never disappoints me. I always find great deals there. Love the name of your blog… I am guessing your a Willoughby? Me too… only spelled different. 🙂

    • Shannon, Thanks for stopping by my new little blog.:) That’s a good guess on the name. However, it’s actually the name of the street I live on. It was a toss up between Willoughby or Quimby. The latter after my stuffed bear.:) (Quimby no doubt will make an appearance at some point on the blog)

  5. Michelle says:

    Love your definition for sunroom!

  6. Looking at that lovely vignette, your sunroom really lives up to its name! Love the shadows cast on the wall! Thank you for linking up to Beth’s party. I trust you will link back to the party too.

  7. Lou Cinda says:

    What a beautiful room! The windows are stunning! The chaise is perfect for this space! Just gorgeous! Can’t wait to see more!

    Lou Cinda 🙂

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